Pocahontas Dress Up

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About Pocahontas Dress Up Game

If you are a frequent guest of our website, then you probably have dressed most of the Disney princesses. As you know, each event needs a princess to dress in a certain way. You won`t dress a princess that wants to go to the first royal ball in her life in the outfit that she would wear on a meeting with her friends. You have to know the event the princess prepares to attend. And if you have played the games of our website, then you probably prepared princesses for lots of events. This time, however, you will have to prepare not a regular Disney princess, but an Indian princess. Have you already guessed who we are talking about? Sure, it`s Pocahontas! This free-spirited young Indian princess is preparing to attend not quite a regular event. After John Smith`s leaving, the Indian princess felt that she needs to go to England to meet her lover again. The adventure shall take Pocahontas far away from her tribe across the ocean. She will have to go the very heart of England, and immerse in that ever-moving world in order to meet her lover. But first, you will have to help her to choose an outfit. Will you send Pocahontas to England in her comfortable, leather dress, or will you design a fine gown in order to best suit the England`s royalty? This decision remains after you. Pick her an outfit and wish her a happy voyage.

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