Mulan Jigsaw

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About Mulan Jigsaw Game

Our website offers you not only games you can play by yourself, but also games you can play in the company of your friends. This particular game features a challenging puzzle to solve. Get your friends from around your hood, and give it a try! The puzzle you will be solving is about Princess Mulan, the Chinese girl who chose to go to war instead of her father in order to bring back honor to her family. She is brave, energetic and beautiful – just like a real princess should be. But have you known that after the movie ending, Mulan`s fate continues. As you can see in this game, Mulan marries a young warrior that you may know from the original Disney movie – Li Shang. Moreover, the couple even have a baby, as you can see. Oh, you can`t see that? It means you have to solve the puzzle first. If you are familiar with puzzle games that our website has brought you, you will surely find it easy to play this game. Choose a puzzle piece from the pile on the left and find its place on the picture. If it matches, the puzzle piece will stick to the picture. Also, you can choose between two types of puzzles – a puzzle that contains 20 pieces, and another that has 40 pieces. Challenge yourself and your friends with the bigger piece! Do you dare? Have fun!

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