Jasmine Coloring

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About Jasmine Coloring Game

If you ever dreamed of coloring your favorite Disney princesses, then you`ve come to the right place. We bring you an experience beyond the limits of the Disney movies you`ve seen so far, since the world be brought to you is.. interactive! So enter this interactive world as a guest, and very soon you will find out that you`re no longer a guest. You are at home. Among the princesses we`ve collected so far, there is this girl with long, raven-dark hair, who happened to be the daughter of the Agrabah`s Sultan. Why, you surely recognized her – it`s Princess Jasmine! Jasmine loves her father`s castle and her tiger friend – Rajah, but more than anything, she loves the taste for adventure. As a part of her little adventure, you will be coloring a picture of Princess Jasmine. Are you in? If yes, take the paint brush in your hands, and just like the real painters do, set the colors you want to work with. There will be a `hint` button on your game screen. Press it to view the suggested colors to use. However, the beauty of this type of games, is that you are the painter, and you are the one who chooses colors. So, go get that paint brush and don`t hesitate to experiment. Turn the princess` clothes red or yellow? No problem! Turn Jasmine`s black hair blonde? Easy! It is up to you to choose the colors here, so have fun!

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